Night sweats. Hot flashes.

The words we associate with menopause.

“Ha! I’m nowhere near menopause” you might say. And you’re probably right.

But here’s why I want you to think about night sweats right now.

Menopause hits most women sometime around their 50’s, but it can happen in your late 40’s. And perimenopause, this lovely little transition period, can last for 10 years before menopause. So it’s possible you might start seeing symptoms of perimenopause (including night sweats) in your late 30’s.

Night sweats can really make sleep difficult. And the best treatment is prevention.

What causes night sweats?

Night sweats happen when your temperature regulation goes out of whack at night. And hot flashes are a similar mechanism, just during the day. But they happen because of a drop in estrogen/progesterone during menopause/perimenopause.

Night sweats can be very problematic because they are one of the leading causes of sleep disruption in women, leaving you even more exhausted, more drained, more irritable and cranky, and less able to keep up with everything you need to do.

What aggravates night sweats?

This list can vary greatly depending on each person, but some of the triggers for night sweats include:

How do you deal with them?

A lot of what I talk about, the foundational things we need to implement to improve our sleep, are going to help improve night sweats. The list below includes those, but also some that are specific to perimenopause/menopause:


Telling me to relax usually has the opposite effect, but hear me out on this point. In Chinese Medicine, there are two energies – Yin and Yang. Yang energy is very hot, high, fast, masculine, productive, etc. Yin is exactly the opposite – very slow, low, cold, feminine, reflective, etc.

Our requirements for Yin and Yang change as we go through life. Babies and young kids are very Yang. Have you ever tried to move as much as a baby or a toddler does? It’s exhausting! But then at the other end of life, people in their 80’s, 90’s, and even later tend to move less and less.

Menopause is a time in your life when the Yin requirement starts to be greater than the Yang. And relaxation is a key part of that. And since our world is very Yang, you’ll need to actively build in time to slow down, rush less, reflect more, and just generally enjoy more relaxation. You can do this on a daily basis (schedule in some relaxation time), and even in your exercise. More Yin type exercises are helpful – Yin yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, stretching, walking, etc.

I hope you find this resource helpful. Whether or not you’re in perimenopause yet, if you’re a busy mom currently struggling with sleep, reach out. Feel free to book a sleep assessment call. And let’s get your sleep sorted out, before night sweats come in to add that extra layer of challenge.

Elizabeth Brothers Health