If you’re not a regular exerciser, it can be incredibly intimidating to just start exercising. The good news is that you don’t need to do anything fancy to get going! The better news is that with the internet and YouTube, you can exercise in the privacy of your own home to try new things out, which will save you from needing to worry making mistakes at the gym in front of all the big weight lifting guys.

But many people don’t get started because they don’t know where to start or how to. I’m going to try to share some resources with you today to help you find a place that’s comfortable for you.

What is the best exercise?

That is a very individual question, and it really depends on your physical goals. If you have a goal of training to be an elite athlete, or running a marathon, or something else very specific, there will be several different training options that you might want to look into.

If you’re just an ordinary person, trying to move on a regular basis, a combination of strength training and cardio activity is a must.

Many women rely very heavily on cardio (running, walking, etc.) and typically they need to increase their strength training. Men, on the other hand, are stereotypically the opposite. They tend to focus on strength training, and leave the cardio training behind.

If you tend to focus more on strength training, try to incorporate more cardio. And if you focus on cardio, try to incorporate more strength training.

The one thing that I will say is that I believe walking is the most universal exercise that exists. Are you recovering from an injury and need to do something low impact? Go for a slow walk. Are you training for something intense but have a hard time running? Go for a fast walk. Walking is so universal, there’s really nothing it can’t do.

Where to start?

There are lots of exercise options available to you if you’re intimidated and don’t know where to start!

There are quite literally an infinite number of yoga and online trainers, so find one that works for you and you like their energy. As I mentioned before, you want to be confident in what you’re doing and make sure you’re doing it safely. If you’re a beginner exerciser, find someone who really walks you through the exercises and reminds you of what you’re meant to be doing.

Good luck, have fun, and let me know which exercises are your favorite!

Elizabeth Brothers Health