I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or read some variation of the question:

“Why are my hormones all over the place?”

Many of us feel like our hormones are in complete chaos, and causing all sorts of problems in our body.

Believe me, I’ve felt that way too.

My goal in doing this is to educate and empower. I want you to understand what’s going on in your body, to have the information you need to make decisions or choices that you need to make, and to be able to know what changes to make to feel better.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to teach you about every single hormone in your body.

I am not an endocrinologist!

But I will teach you about the ones to watch out for, what to be aware of, and what you have the power to work on yourself!

The good news is that the approaches to work on for most of these are almost exactly the same! You’ll see why when we get into the details.

Today we’re going to dive into the specifics of progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol.

Last time we talked about estrogen, so make sure you have a look at that video.

Progesterone and testosterone are hormones that are found in everyone, just like estrogen. But progesterone goes along with estrogen and is higher in females, while testosterone is generally higher in males. So what does it look like when these hormones aren’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing?


Generally speaking, more people experience low progesterone than high progesterone. It is possible that progesterone can be high, but it’s not as common and doesn’t show up clinically, as much as low progesterone does. Progesterone is very tied to fertility, and low progesterone often goes hand in hand with fertility issues. Symptoms of low progesterone can include:

How to optimize progesterone


Testosterone is found in both males and females, but is higher in males. All of the symptoms of high or low testosterone can be noticeable for both males and females as well.

Symptoms of high testosterone

Symptoms of low testosterone

How to optimize testosterone


Cortisol is a stress hormone that’s actually really important, but when levels are too high it isn’t good. Cortisol increases when stress levels in the body are high.

How are your stress levels today?

Here’s the thing about cortisol. All sex hormones – estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and others – come from the one main building block of cholesterol. But if stress levels are high, and a lot of cortisol is needed, that’s what all the cholesterol gets turned into. At the expense of all the other hormones. So when stress levels are really high for a long period of time, the body focuses on making cortisol rather than estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone. This is why high stress can have direct impacts on hormone levels.

Symptoms of high cortisol

These can all accompany prolonged periods of high stress.

Symptoms of low cortisol

Having cortisol levels that are too low can be a dangerous medical condition and needs to be followed up on with your medical practitioner.

How to Optimize All Hormones

Stress management – if you haven’t noticed it yet, stress management is tied to absolutely all hormones. Stress can throw every single hormone out of balance. Focusing on stress management is a very important lifestyle thing to focus on.

Ways to make sure all your hormones are optimized:

As I’ve said before, to really optimize every hormone, good sleep is key. So if sleep is something you need to get control of, book your free Sleep Assessment Call here, where I can give you some feedback and get you started on sleeping well.

Elizabeth Brothers Health