What I Hate About Self-Care

I hate the current concept of self-care. Don’t get me wrong. Taking care of yourself is incredibly important! That’s not the part I hate. What I hate, what makes me so mad, is how people throw this term around with an incredible frequency, but I don’t think they’re doing real self-care. I can’t tell you […]

Lies You’ve Been Told As A Busy Mom

Do you ever lie? You might answer no (is that a lie?) which is amazing. But I bet the answer is yes. You might always tell the truth to people you love or your kids or your partner, but I’m sure at some point you’ve told a lie, whether it’s a little white one, or […]

Solving Night Sweats Without Medication

Night sweats. Hot flashes. The words we associate with menopause. “Ha! I’m nowhere near menopause” you might say. And you’re probably right. But here’s why I want you to think about night sweats right now. Menopause hits most women sometime around their 50’s, but it can happen in your late 40’s. And perimenopause, this lovely […]

8 Things To Adjust To Sleep Better Tonight

Normally I talk about habits and all of the behaviours you should know about how to sleep better. BUT – there are many things you can change that aren’t habit related, but that will ensure you have a good night’s sleep. Here are my top 8! Even tweaking one or two of these can drastically […]

6 Key Tips If You’ve Had A Terrible Sleep

Were you up all night last night? Maybe tossing and turning, or the kids had you up all night? Are you exhausted and not thinking clearly today? Here are my top 6 tips for what I want you to focus on today, to ensure you get through today feeling as good as possible, and to […]

Tricks To Sleeping With High Emotions

I don’t know what you’re feeling right this moment, but I’m writing this during a very stressful time where there is a lot of division and anger in our community and our world. And I’m definitely feeling those emotions. All of them. And I’ve been losing sleep this last little while. My sleep is very […]

Another Reason You Can’t Fall Asleep

Do you go to bed at night and lie awake for hours? If it’s more than 30 minutes, that can signal that something is off. There are a few reasons why this might be the case. I’ve talked about melatonin before, but let’s talk about another fun little item: adenosine. I know – not very […]

Why Your Sleep Changes After Kids

While some people suffer from insomnia their whole lives, If you’re like many women, your sleep might have changed drastically since having kids. If you’re a parent reading this, you know that when kids come along, sleep goes by the wayside. Usually sleep is disrupted for both parents, but moms (generally) take a big brunt […]

Awake between 1 AM and 3 AM? Here’s the likely reason why.

One of the most common sleep complaints I hear in women, starting around age 30 and continuing for, well, too long, is that they have a problem staying asleep at night. They may or may not fall asleep easily, but they wake up, usually sometime between 1 AM and 3 AM, and have a very […]

Hard Time Falling Asleep?

Part 1…. Sleep, to many people, is a big mystery. We know we should do it, we know we want to do it, but actually doing it can be JUST SO HARD! Many of us (including myself occasionally) have trouble sleeping. And would you be surprised to know (likely not) that sleep issues are much […]

Elizabeth Brothers Health