What’s Up With My Hormones? Thyroid Hormones

(*NONE OF THIS IS MEANT TO BE MEDICALLY DIAGNOSITC. THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL*) I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or read some variation of the question: “Why are my hormones all over the place?” Many […]

Don’t Go Big Or Go Home

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with things you need to do? Maybe a project you need to finish, or something like that? We all do. Let me tell you a story about a time I felt overwhelmed, and what I did about it. My husband and I moved to the city we live in in […]

Does Your Mood Fall With The Leaves?

Do you find your mood goes down as the days get colder and darker? Everyone’s mood is impacted by different things. But it’s not uncommon that when the fall season comes around, moods can start to go down. Maybe you’re feeling more tired than usual. Maybe you’re having a hard time keeping up at work […]

Why You Can’t Make One More Decision

My son came into my office this morning and asked me if he could do something (I don’t even remember what it was now) and I literally stared at him. I couldn’t decide. I could not possibly make one more decision. And it wasn’t even 9 AM. Do you ever have that feeling? Where if […]

Quality Over Quantity

Why sleep QUALITY is more important than sleep QUANTITY If you’re anything like me (a busy woman), than the to-do list you have never ends. And every night when it’s really time for me to head to bed, I keep thinking of all the other things that I need to get done that day. If […]

The One Thing I Always Forget To Think About

I am a person who is on the go all the time. I love being busy, I operate at a pretty fast pace, and I don’t love sitting still. I’m trying to get better at it, but it’s an ongoing struggle for me. One thing I do really believe in is consistency. If you are […]

How to Stay on Track on Vacation

Hello, summer! Are you a fan of summer? I LOVE summer! I love the warmth (though not too hot, please!). I love the laid back feeling, I love the social calendar filling up. And I love going on trips (big or small) and adventures, even if they’re not long. I know not everyone takes a […]

Elizabeth Brothers Health